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Configuration Reference

Syncer Flags

Before using any particular flag mentioned below, we recommend making yourself familiar with the documentation pages that are related to the topic addressed by the flag and default to using the flags and helm variables as described in the documentation.

      --bind-address string                       The address to bind the server to (default "")
--client-ca-cert string The path to the client ca certificate (default "/data/server/tls/client-ca.crt")
--cluster-domain string The cluster domain ending that should be used for the virtual cluster (default "cluster.local")
--default-image-registry string This address will be prepended to all deployed system images by vCluster
--disable-fake-kubelets If disabled, the virtual cluster will not create fake kubelet endpoints to support metrics-servers
--disable-plugins If enabled, vCluster will not load any plugins
--enable-scheduler If enabled, will expect a scheduler running in the virtual cluster
--enforce-node-selector If enabled and --node-selector is set then the virtual cluster will ensure that no pods are scheduled outside of the node selector (default true)
--enforce-pod-security-standard string This can be set to privileged, baseline, restricted and vCluster would make sure during translation that these policies are enforced.
--enforce-toleration strings If set will apply the provided tolerations to all pods in the vCluster
-h, --help help for start
--host-metrics-bind-address string If set, metrics for the controller manager for the resources managed in the host cluster will be exposed at this address
--kube-config string The path to the virtual cluster admin kube config (default "/data/server/cred/admin.kubeconfig")
--kube-config-context-name string If set, will override the context name of the generated virtual cluster kube config with this name
--leader-elect If enabled, syncer will use leader election
--lease-duration int Lease duration of the leader election in seconds (default 60)
--map-host-service strings Maps a given service inside the host cluster to a service inside the virtual cluster. E.g. other-namespace/my-service=my-vcluster-namespace/my-service
--map-virtual-service strings Maps a given service inside the virtual cluster to a service inside the host cluster. E.g. default/test=physical-service
--name string The name of the virtual cluster
--node-selector string If nodes sync is enabled, nodes with the given node selector will be synced to the virtual cluster. If fake nodes are used, and --enforce-node-selector flag is set, then vCluster will ensure that no pods are scheduled outside of the node selector.
--out-kube-config-secret string If specified, the virtual cluster will write the generated kube config to the given secret
--out-kube-config-secret-namespace string If specified, the virtual cluster will write the generated kube config in the given namespace
--out-kube-config-server string If specified, the virtual cluster will use this server for the generated kube config (e.g.
--override-hosts If enabled, vCluster will override a containers /etc/hosts file if there is a subdomain specified for the pod (spec.subdomain). (default true)
--override-hosts-container-image string The image for the init container that is used for creating the override hosts file. (default "library/alpine:3.20")
--plugin-listen-address string The plugin address to listen to. If this is changed, you'll need to configure your plugins to connect to the updated port (default "localhost:10099")
--plugins strings The plugins to wait for during startup
--port int The port to bind to (default 8443)
--renew-deadline int Renew deadline of the leader election in seconds (default 40)
--request-header-ca-cert string The path to the request header ca certificate (default "/data/server/tls/request-header-ca.crt")
--retry-period int Retry period of the leader election in seconds (default 15)
--server-ca-cert string The path to the server ca certificate (default "/data/server/tls/server-ca.crt")
--server-ca-key string The path to the server ca key (default "/data/server/tls/server-ca.key")
--service-account string If set, will set this host service account on the synced pods
--service-name string The service name where the vCluster proxy will be available
--service-account-token-secrets bool Create secrets for pod service account tokens instead of injecting it as annotations
--set-owner If true, will set the same owner the currently running syncer pod has on the synced resources (default true)
--sync strings A list of sync controllers to enable. 'foo' enables the sync controller named 'foo', '-foo' disables the sync controller named 'foo'
--sync-all-nodes If enabled and --fake-nodes is false, the virtual cluster will sync all nodes instead of only the needed ones
--sync-labels strings The specified labels will be synced to physical resources, in addition to their vCluster translated versions. Supported wildcard - '/*'. e.g* will sync all labels that match the given prefix ''.
--sync-node-changes If enabled and --fake-nodes is false, the virtual cluster will proxy node updates from the virtual cluster to the host cluster. This is not recommended and should only be used if you know what you are doing.
--target-namespace string The namespace to run the virtual cluster in (defaults to current namespace)
--tls-san strings Add additional hostname or IP as a Subject Alternative Name in the TLS cert
--translate-image strings Translates image names from the virtual pod to the physical pod (e.g. coredns/
--virtual-metrics-bind-address string If set, metrics for the controller manager for the resources managed in the virtual cluster will be exposed at this address

All of these syncer flags can be set and configured through the values override file when creating the vCluster. In particular these syncer flags go into the extraArgs section of the values

- --set-owner=false

For flags that accept multiple values, the same can be supplied as a comma-seperated string as shown below
