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Kubernetes distro


vCluster uses Kubernetes as the default distribution for the virtual cluster.

vCluster supports Kubernetes (K8s), Lightweight Kubernetes (K3s), and Zero Friction Kubernetes (k0s). However, vCluster is not tied to a specific distribution and should work with all certified Kubernetes distributions.

You can add your custom Kubernetes distribution using advanced configuration.

Compatibility matrix


Compatibility matrix showing which host K8s version (left column) is supported by which vCluster k0s distro versions.



⚠️ : known issue

: recommended

🆗 : likely compatible


Compatibility matrix showing which host K8s version (left column) is supported by which vCluster K3s distro versions.



⚠️ : known issue

: recommended

🆗 : likely compatible


Compatibility matrix showing which host K8s version (left column) is supported by which vCluster K8s distro versions.



⚠️ : known issue

: recommended

🆗 : likely compatible

Config reference

distro required object pro

Distro holds virtual cluster related distro options. A distro cannot be changed after vCluster is deployed.

k8s required object pro

K8S holds K8s relevant configuration.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled specifies if the K8s distro should be enabled. Only one distro can be enabled at the same time.

apiServer required object pro

APIServer holds configuration specific to starting the api server.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled signals this container should be enabled.

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

controllerManager required object pro

ControllerManager holds configuration specific to starting the controller manager.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled signals this container should be enabled.

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

scheduler required object pro

Scheduler holds configuration specific to starting the scheduler. Enable this via controlPlane.advanced.virtualScheduler.enabled

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

env required object[] pro

Env are extra environment variables to use for the main container and NOT the init container.

resources required object pro

Resources for the distro init container

securityContext required object pro

Security options can be used for the distro init container

k3s required object pro

K3S holds K3s relevant configuration.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled specifies if the K3s distro should be enabled. Only one distro can be enabled at the same time.

token required string pro

Token is the K3s token to use. If empty, vCluster will choose one.

env required object[] pro

Env are extra environment variables to use for the main container and NOT the init container.

resources required object pro

Resources for the distro init container

securityContext required object pro

Security options can be used for the distro init container

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

k0s required object pro

K0S holds k0s relevant configuration.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled specifies if the k0s distro should be enabled. Only one distro can be enabled at the same time.

config required string pro

Config allows you to override the k0s config passed to the k0s binary.

env required object[] pro

Env are extra environment variables to use for the main container and NOT the init container.

resources required object pro

Resources for the distro init container

securityContext required object pro

Security options can be used for the distro init container

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

eks required object pro

EKS holds eks relevant configuration.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled specifies if the K8s distro should be enabled. Only one distro can be enabled at the same time.

apiServer required object pro

APIServer holds configuration specific to starting the api server.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled signals this container should be enabled.

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

controllerManager required object pro

ControllerManager holds configuration specific to starting the controller manager.

enabled required boolean pro

Enabled signals this container should be enabled.

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

scheduler required object pro

Scheduler holds configuration specific to starting the scheduler. Enable this via controlPlane.advanced.virtualScheduler.enabled

image required object pro

Image is the distro image

repository required string pro

Repository is the registry and repository of the container image, e.g.

tag required string pro

Tag is the tag of the container image, e.g. latest

imagePullPolicy required string pro

ImagePullPolicy is the pull policy for the distro image

command required string[] pro

Command is the command to start the distro binary. This will override the existing command.

extraArgs required string[] pro

ExtraArgs are additional arguments to pass to the distro binary.

env required object[] pro

Env are extra environment variables to use for the main container and NOT the init container.

resources required object pro

Resources for the distro init container

securityContext required object pro

Security options can be used for the distro init container