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Make sure to enable Embedded Etcd or use an external datastore before using this feature.

This feature allows you to run vCluster in high-availability mode without an external datastore. High-Availability has the advantage, that if a replica should for what ever reason fail, another replica will jump in and take over without any downtime.

Enable High-Availability

To enable high-availability, it's enough to increase the replica count as well as enable embedded etcd in the configuration:


When migrating from the default etcd to embedded etcd with k8s and eks, make sure to set embeddedEtcd.migrateFromEtcd to true. If it is not done, you may lose your data depending on the behavior of your storage class.

For k0s, if you want to enable high availability, you need to first migrate to embeddedEtcd, and then do a second upgrade with syncer.replicas set to 3

enabled: true
migrateFromEtcd: true # only for eks and k8s

replicas: 3